Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Volunteer Opportunities for Fall 2013

Volunteering on Sundays:
Fall 2013 Volunteer Schedule
Volunteer Roles Described

What's NEW this Fall?
We have made some awesome updates and want to give you the full details on them all by following this link:

What are the volunteer opportunities for Sundays in Adventure Camp?
  1. Adventure Heights Volunteer – supervising children between the ages of 3 years to 5th grade at our indoor playground, between the 9:15am and 10:45am worship times (from 10:15-10:45am). Serve at least one week/month for 30 min.
  2. Camp Registration Desk / Greeter – welcoming new families, answering questions, entering information into the computer system and assisting other families with check-in. Serve at least one week per month for 1 hour 30 min. 
  3.  Infant Room Helper– care for, play with and hold babies ages birth to 1.5 yrs (not walking).  Assist the Nursery Staff. Serve at least one week per month for 1 hour 30 min.
  4. Toddler Room Helper – play with and comfort Toddlers ages 1.5 (solid walkers) to 3 yrs, as well as assisting Staff with weekly Bible Story Time activities & Shaker Song. Assist the Nursery Staff. Serve at least one week per month for 1 hour 30 min.
  5. PreK Helper – assisting the Leader/Facilitator with activities and games for preschoolers ages 3 to 5 years. Select dates & times that work for you.
  6. PreK Group  Leader/Facilitator – leading preschoolers, ages 3 through 5 years (potty trained), through games and activities with the assistance of helpers. Serve for at least 6 two week sessions for 1 hour 20 min.
  7. Lower Elementary Helper – welcoming K-2nd grade students into a Small Group as they enter, guiding children through easy games and activities, assisting Leader/Facilitator, & helping with checkout. Select dates & times that work for you.
  8. Lower Elementary Leader/Facilitator – leading Large Group activities for K-2nd grade students & helpers, introducing DVD driven lessons and themes and engaging kids & helpers in worship. Serve for at least 6 two week sessions for 1 hour 3 0 min.
  9. Upper Elementary Helper – welcoming 3rd-5th grade students into a Small Group as they enter, guiding children through easy games and activities, assisting Leader/Facilitator, & helping with checkout. Select dates & times that work for you.
  10. Upper Elementary Leader/Facilitator – leading Large Group activities for 3rd-5th grade students & helpers, introducing DVD driven lessons and themes and engaging kids & helpers in worship. Serve for at least 6 two week sessions for 1 hour 3 0 min.

How can I get involved?
  1. Contact the Director of Children’s Ministries at
  2. Sign up for a age level or ministry area within Adventure Camp and choose your rotation schedule before the last Sunday in August.
  3. Sign a background check release form. We perform a background check on all volunteers over the age of 17 who work with children in ministry.
  4. Make a commitment to serve when you can during the Fall of 2013 (Sept-Dec) and place those dates on the schedule asap.
  5. Consider making a deeper commitment to the program by volunteering to serve:
    1. For a committee within your age level or ministry team (TBA).
    2. For more than 12 weeks total.
    3. For both the 9:15am and 10:45am time slots on your scheduled Sunday(s).
    4. As the Team Leader for your age level or ministry team.

What is expected of a volunteer?
1.      Make a commitment to attend worship regularly when not volunteering.
2.      Continue to grow in the areas of personal Bible Study and prayer.
3.      Prepare for each week by reading the Ministry Updates on Director’s Blog, praying for the children and families you will serve and by reading through the lesson materials & activity descriptions (when applicable).
4.       Arrive inside at least 15 min before each Worship Hour begins, ready to greet the children and their families. Be inside the room where your kids will gather or be dropped off.
5.      Stay in assigned area until all children are safely delivered to their parents or a relief volunteer arrives (usually 10 min after each service ends).
6.      When you need to miss a Sunday, please find your own sub or trade Sundays with another volunteer from our approved list.
7.      In an emergency, try to contact the Team Leader for your Ministry Area or for the Sunday you were assigned to serve.
8.      Communicate your concerns, needs, and questions to your Team Leader first.
9.      Understand, agree with and strive to further the mission and vision of Christ Church and the ministry area in which you serve.

Are there any behind the scenes or non-Sunday volunteer opportunities?
  1. Yes!!!
  2. We have needs for  
    • closet, supply & toy organizers  
    • toy & furniture cleaners, 
    • weekly lesson supply gatherers & prep-ers , 
    • skit actors, 
    • thematic decorators , 
    • puppeteers, 
    • musicians, 
    • helping hands at our midweek events and more.
  3. Contact the Director of Children’s Ministries at, and let us know how you’d like to help. Look at our schedule for fall -  Fall 2013 Volunteer Schedule.

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