Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Safety Procedures UPDATE

Updated Adventure Camp Safety Procedures:
Published December 19, 2012
  • Main Entrance Locked - continue to shut and lock the main glass doors into Adventure Camp as soon as each service begins and the crowd checking in has dispersed. If you leave to enter the Atrium, close the door behind you, and use the key located in the west side ushers closet (hanging on a hook).
  • Emergency Procedures -
    •  If there is a Fire Drill or fire while in Adventure Camp, help the children in your room (or the nearest room) exit out the nearest Emergency Exit. There is an exit at the end of the hallway in the stairwell and one at the end of the Fellowship Room.  Once outside, lead all the children to the Flag Pole on the East side of the building. If possible, bring your printed roster/list with you to take attendance.
    • If there is a Tornado or Weather Emergency - Shut all doors, turn off lights and gather all children inside the Children's Worship Room (away from windows). The adults will gather inside the Registration Hallway and Fellowship Hall.
    • If there is a Lock-down or Intruder Emergency - Shut & lock all classroom and exterior doors and gather children close to the nearest exit and away from windows. The first level location would be inside the Children's Worship Room with the option to move into the Fellowship Hall and out the door if the situation escalates (or when the police arrive).
  • Emergency Phone Calls - all the phones located in Adventure Camp have the capability of dialing 911. The phone at the Registration Desk can dial any number. This should be used to contact parents on their cell phones in case of an emergency or to call the police departments non-emergency number. 
  • Intercom System - our phones can also be used to call other extensions in the building or be used as an intercom system. This is important for communication if an emergency should occur. Please leave the phones with their "mic" on so that the intercom feature will function properly.