Hi, Current and Prospective Adventure Camp Volunteers!
Thank you all for stopping at the Atrium display over the past two weeks and expressing your interest in the children's ministry at Christ Church. We are so thankful for David Gaskin (3rd-5th Grade Leader) and Amy Eberman (K-2nd Grade Helper) who shared their testimonies on volunteering in Adventure Camp and for Micah Eberman who did all the film work! Following is detailed information about the Winter 2014 Schedule and what you need to know about volunteering this winter.
Online Edit-able Schedule (Google Doc): https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/ccc?key= 0AtX92A8oHQgpdEwwZDBpczZ3U0xhT G9BTVRWVS04SFE&usp=sharing
Online Volunteer Information: http:// ccadventurecamp.blogspot.com/
Volunteer Role Descriptions: https://docs.google.com/ document/d/ 1za2QKTAl92KJRXhBPt_ 88fxpwcueSZtnatHxjZjGK7Y/edit? usp=sharing
If you put your name on the paper schedule in the Atrium:
- Please review the online schedule for accuracy (I do sometimes make mistakes :). If anything has changed in your personal schedule, you may now make those changes directly in the online document. online schedule
- Please add or edit your contact phone and email directly onto the Team Contact Sheet at the end of the schedule.
- Thank you for signing up for Winter 2014!
If have never volunteered with us:
- Please choose a role or age group to work with (see Volunteer Role Descriptions). We need helpers for our Registration Team, Nursery Team, PreK Team, K-2nd Team and 3rd-5th Team.
- Look at our online schedule for available dates. Note that there are different tabs for each role or age group.
- Fill in your choice of 4-6 dates/hours. Consider serving one service and worshiping the other or serving at both 9:15 am & 10:45 am on the Sunday(s) of your choice.
- Make sure you have completed a background check (over 17 years old) & return it in a sealed envelope to the Main Church Office c/o Anne' Erickson.
- Read through the blog for updated info on volunteer routines and procedures for Winter 2014 http://ccadventurecamp.
blogspot.com/. - We're so glad you are interested in joining the team!
If you are a veteran volunteer :-):
- Please check the schedule asap to reserve your favorite dates & times to volunteer.
- If you want to switch age groups or roles now is a great time to do so.
- I've placed an "x" in slots that I'd like to wait to fill until others are full.
- I've written TBA in open "Leader" slots. Current Leaders - please fill in your dates so that we have an idea of how many more we need to recruit.
- Interested in Leading (a step above helping)? Please contact either Anne' Ericksonchurch@christchurchmequon.org or Melissa Barnett mbarnett@christchurchmequon.
org for more information. We ask all of our leaders to train directly under a current leader in the specific age group for a period of weeks before taking the reins. - I'm honored to serve Christ with you!
I'm so excited for this winter and our new theme "Treasure Quest - a journey through the jungle and through the life of Jesus!" You can check it out online at http://www.elevateatchurch. com/treasure-quest-kids.html. Remember that our main ministry purpose is to share the love of Christ with kids. The best way to do that is to just relax, have fun and give 'em some love!
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I can't wait to hear from you :)
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