Monday, August 12, 2013

Fall 2013 Volunteer Schedule

Please follow the link to access our Adventure Camp Volunteer Schedule & sign up by Sept 1st. This is our committment renewal time. We will repeat this each year and may include a committment review time in January.
Link to Fall 2013 Schedule

Adventure Camp Volunteers
(our Sunday Morning Program for kids birth through 5th grade)
Getting Started:
Thank you for volunteering to help on Sundays in Adventure Camp. We have a variety of roles and schedules available for you. To get started on our schedule, please put your name and info directly into our online document. Thank you for giving your time and energy to this ministry!
1. Select the correct tab to begin. There is a seperate tab for each age group and volunteer team.
2. Choose the dates (Sept-Dec) & times (9:15am or 10:45am) you'd like to serve. Nursery, Registration & Adventure Heights: Choose one Sunday per month. PreK, Lower Elem & Upper Elem: If possible sign up for at least two weeks in a row (Parts A & B of a lesson as listed).
3. Review your info on the Team Contact Sheet or add it if it is not listed.
10 Requirements for Volunteering:
1. Middle School & above can serve as helpers in Nursery, PreK & K-2nd Tech. High School & above can serve in all areas.
2. Complete a background check form before your 1st Sunday (17 years and above. Return to Anne' in the Christ Church office).
3. Observe another leader in your area before you are on the schedule (if possible)
4. Review the lesson materials for your week If applicable (posted online at or sent via email).
5. Pray for the children and families you will serve.
6. Arrive in your room 10 minutes before your service begins.
7. Wear a CC tshirt or grab and Adventure Camp apron when you arrive.
8. Be flexible...children's ministry can be unpredictable and we make plans that are usually altered based on what each Sunday brings. That's why they call it an "Adventure"!
9. Remember that your role is to "love on" children and share the love of Christ with them - that's your primary role. Everything else flows from that one principle :)
10. If for some reason you can't serve on your committed Sunday, we request that you contact a sub from the Team Contact Sheet or trade Sundays with another volunteer.
Contact Melissa Barnett (Dir of Children's & Fam Ministries) with any questions or concerns
262-339-1313 - cell

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