Agenda for Registration Team Meeting 11/25/12
Notes for Melissa:
- order a new scanner to make cards at the Adventure Camp Registration Desk.
- create a shortcut to our blog & our Staff Time Sheet on the desk top of the Reg Desk computers.
- Make a blank roster for Adventure Heights (see notes below).
- ask if Playground Waivers are necessary for Sunday or if that can be added as a line on the Visitor Form.
- Create & communicate Fire Drill & Emergency Procedures for Adventure Camp (see below)
New Procedures:
- Adventure Camp Key - a key to open the doors on this wing (and the copy room upstairs) is located in the drawer of the West Side Check-in Station in the Atrium. The Registration Team can bring it to the Registration Desk to use throughout a Sunday morning, locking/unlocking doors as necessary. Please do not forget to return it at the end of the day.
- Registration Desk Shutdown - after 11am, please checkout all remaining children & volunteers and "x" out of any open programs. You can also shut down the computers. Those in the atrium, also need to be shut down.
- Pass Codes - To get out of the self check in screen the code is "316". To enter the Check-in program the code is "volunteer" and "thanks".
- Communicating Issues - It is vital that you communicate any questions, suggestions or issues you may be having.
- Servant Keeper issues should be directed to Anne' our Admin Assistant in the front office Please alert her anytime you have to enter a duplicate name, notice a duplicate, a problem with an entry etc. Never delete anything in Servant Keeper. All of what you need should be available through the Check-in system.
- Procedural issues, volunteer issues, parent or child issues, should be directed to the Director of Children's Ministries or the current Registration Team Leader.
- Notes for other team members or general notes can be written on the new "Adventure Camp Weekly Notes" sheet. Be sure to create a new sheet each Sunday, sign your name and give the date it was fulfilled.
- Nursery Numbers - As we grow in numbers (especially in the nursery) we need to spread out the kids and make better use of the back nursery room. Make sure all kids under 2 are in that room and not in Large Nursery room. This will lesson the need to turn families away.
- Adventure Heights Safety - To ensure safety of kids in Adventure Heights the official Staff or volunteer attendant needs to write down the names of the kids who enter the room and cross them off as they exit. Also do a sweep of the room and bathroom before shutting the door - looking for kids. Also, send an older kid into the play structure to make sure all kids are down. If sign is flipped to "Red side" do not allow kids to enter the playground without a parent. The door can remain shut or locked as well.
- Emergency Procedures -
- If there is a Fire Drill or fire while in Adventure Camp, help the children in your room (or the nearest room) exit out the nearest Emergency Exit. There is an exit at the end of the hallway and one at the end of the Fellowship Room. Once outside, lead all the children to the Flag Pole on the East side of the building. If possible, bring your printed roster/list with you to take attendance.
- If there is a Tornado or a Lock-down Emergency - Shut all doors, turn off lights and gather all children inside the Children's Worship Room (away from windows).
- New Attendance Lists to Print - the "events" have new names so they could be printed in time and alphabetical order. All 8am events begin with "A:" or "Ac:" and are located on page 1 under the "Select Events" tab. All 9:30am events begin with "B" or "Bd" and are located on page 2. All 11am events begin with "C" or "Ca" and are located on page 3. All special events (Children's Choir) are on page 4.
- Check-out - the Registration Team at the 9:30am service will check out kids for the 8am service and the 11am Team will check out kids from the 9:30am service. UNLESS they are listed for more than one event. If you can't see their events, then leave them in the system and sort them by the time they checked in. This column is located to the far right side of the "check-out" screen. Some columns may need to shrink in order to see it.
- Attendance Count - Generally there should be 12 adults in the Adventure Camp wing during a service. If you have trouble counting who is signed in as a volunteer, use this number. Our new attendance system should virtually eliminate the need for counting heads (especially within Adventure Camp).
- T-shirts & Aprons - please make sure each volunteer is in a t-shirt or apron as they arrive. If they are not, offer them one to wear & make sure they have checked into our system. T-shirts should be worn so the logo & name tag show (not under a jacket). New shirts and aprons are located behind the Registration Desk.
- Children Who Attend Multiple Services - As we grow, more families may choose to serve for one service and attend another service. When this happens children may not be picked up at the end of a worship hour and this is ok. Usually these parents are serving as volunteers or ministering to another's needs. Nursery aged children should just stay in their rooms and be allowed to play until their family arrives. PreK and Elementary aged children can be escorted by a volunteer to Adventure Heights if their Small Group leader must leave (and AH is open with an attendant), or may be handed over to another volunteer for the upcoming service. Make sure no child is ever left alone or unattended. Please make a note that these children are still "checked-in" - the Registration Desk should be made aware of their status and location.